

Eurynome Associés organizes the Performance Conferences!

Eurynome Associés unveils the Performance Conferences program, groups of collective reflection on organizations’ performance and operational efficiency.

The Performance Conferences are celebrating their tenth anniversary. This edition emphases the topic of innovation with a revised functioning in order to anticipate the new practices emerging.

What are the Performance Conferences about?

These meetings, held in Paris and Toulouse, address the most current issues that organizations in the public and private sectors are facing. It is now possible to address in groups individual issues related to the improvement of organizations’ efficiency, agility and maneuverability in the context of two types of events running on open enrollment:

  • Breakfast conferences organized around the presentation of a topical topic with strong strategic and operational issues illustrated by customer testimonials, and a time of sharing between people.
  • Reflection & Action circles, in small groups, to continue and deepen the sharing of best practices between actors from different backgrounds around a particular theme, enriched by the intelligence and know-how of Eurynome Associés.

Why should you take part?

These events enable the attendees to benefit from the best practices business watch elaborated by Eurynome Associés, to put their practices into perspective, and to obtain an overview of the solutions and the conditions for implementing them in their organization.

More information is availble on the website Les Rencontres de la Performance.

Performance Conferences program



Breakfast Conference
At Le Bristol Paris

Breakfast Conference
At Hôtel d'Assezat Toulouse

"Innovation et Risques : Choix ou Complémentarité ?"

"L'agilité de nos organisations est essentielle: comment renforcer notre capacité à piloter?”
Etat de l'art et retours d'expérience

Reflection & Action Circles
In our parisian premises

Reflection & Action Circles
In our toulousan premises

“Quelle stratégie pour les DSI dans l’économie de service?”


“Intelligence d’affaires : comment renforcer la capacité à piloter l’agilité de nos organisations ?”


“Performance, sécurité de l’information, gestion des services: quels enjeux et quelles certifications pour les DSI ?”


“De la stratégie à l’action : des leviers innovants pour une culture managériale partagée et efficace”


“Comment faire de nos organisations des structures innovantes ?”


“De la ville numérique à la ville intelligente : quel impact des Big Data et des nouvelles technologies pour la ville de demain ?”


“Comment démontrer la contribution du contrôle interne à la performance de l’entreprise ?”


“Et si le Cloud n'était pas qu'une révolution technologique ?”

“De la stratégie à l’action : des leviers innovants pour une culture managériale partagée et efficace”


“Comment faire de nos organisations des structures innovantes ?”

You want to attend the Performance Conferences? Send us a mail at contact@eurynome.fr, we will happy to welcome you!